Products - UPS - Digital EnergyT SG Series UPS 80 -200 kVARectifiers
On-line, Double Conversion,
Intelligent and Heavy-duty 80-200 kVA UPS
The GE Digital Energy TM SG Series is one of the best performing and most reliable three-phase UPS systems providing critical power protection for a wide range of applications.
Every SG Series system operates in VFI mode (Voltage Frequency Independent) yielding the maximum levels of power reliability for all mission-critical processes. The Digital Energy SG Series was developed using GE's Design for Six Sigma methodology to ensure that the product fully meets customer requirements and expectations.
With proven technology the SG Series UPS provides top class reliability and performance. With backfeed protection and compliance to EMC standards the SG Series complies to current and future standards. Reliability can be further increased by paralleling up to eight UPS units utilizing GE's unique RPAT technology (Redundant Parallel Architecture). With RPA every UPS is controlled in a true peer-to-peer configuration with redundancy in all critical elements and functions, eliminating all single points of failure. The decentralized bypass offers great flexibility to up or down grade the system in case future needs might change. |
Through their complete life cycle, all GE UPS systems are fully supported by service teams
which provide world-class, 24x7 preventive and corrective services, training and application expertise.
PurePulse® - IGBT rectifier clean input performance
GE's SG-CE Series UPS in the range from 60-300 kVA is available either with traditional
thyristor rectifier technology, or with a rectifier based on GE's cutting edge PurePulse® technology. PurePulse® is an innovative control algorithm applied on the IGBT rectifier. This current source rectifier assures an Input Total Harmonic Distortion (THDi) of less than 3%, and draws a pure sinusoidal waveform from the mains. The advantages of GE's PurePulse® technology span from savings in the sizing of upfront equipment (such as generator sets, cabling and circuit breakers) to a total elimination of costs for additional
active or passive input filters. PurePulse® is a breakthrough innovation from GE.
Features and Benefits
Voltage Frequency Independent (VFI) operation fully compliant with international standards (IEC 62040-3) providing full power protection for demanding critical applications
Output power factor real 0.9 leading (capacitive loads) provides full power capability
and negates the need to oversize in case of power factor corrected loads
Front access for all service and maintenance reducing operational footprint
Fan failure detection system
Excellent dynamic response reduces the need for oversizing in case of pulsating loads
uperior Battery Management (SBM) enhances battery lifetime resulting in reduced cost
of operation
Super ECO Mode (user selectable) to reduce energy consumption costs
Automatic start-up procedure and user friendly interface simplifying UPS operation
Maintenance bypass integrated in UPS cabinet, no need for external switches
Fully compliant with EMI international standards (IEC 62040-2) and safety standard
(IEC 62040-1)
Product Scope
60-80-100-120-160-200-250-300kVA (parallel up to six (6) units in RPA™)